Friday, December 19, 2008

Band Practises

I've been joining St. Joseph school band for practises for almost two weeks.
Tomorrow will be the performance night for the band.
We will be performing Christmas songs at the Boulevard from 7-9pm.
The first time I've practice with St. Joseph school band was about 4 weeks ago.
Back then, we were practising for the Avant Garde Charity Concert.
My first impression about the band is THEY' GREAT!
They have quite a good co-operation back then.
They're about 10 times better than my school's scout band.
(for anyone from Kuching High who is reading this, no offense! N pls don't tell the school teachers!)
But what I've said is quite true.
1st of all, St. Joseph school band can produce extremely good tone.
Unlike my school band, the only music they can praduce is out-of-tune noise!
2ndly, St.Joe school band have good co-ordinaton.
They can balance their instrument's sound with other instruments.
3rd, they're all have dedication to their music.
However, St. Joe school band still have some parts where they are worst than my school's scout band.
After Avant Garde Charity Concert, I joined them for the performance at the Boulevard.
I wanted to gain more experience
since my school's scout band doesn't allow non-scout members to join the band.
So when the band is at their school practising, they umm....began to show their real attitudes.
Cause everywhere I go, i see people playing......................................
....................................RUBIC CUBES!
There are so many CUBE FREAKS there!
WAIE, the cubes cubes cubes guy,
he's a non-stop talking duck!
Whenever we're having practises, he always seems to be so bluuur.
Then, there's the cube king in the band, ANAD
The way and speed he finish the cube is amazing!
Then, there's this new cube learner,
the so-called "Professional"
Jeffrey Mark "Professional" Law
He is a typical and sort of too musically talented guy.
He loves to talk
and talk
and most of all,
he loves to............
He always claim that he is the most professional poker player.(boooo!)
Although he is so annoying, there's 1 thing i don't understand.
WHY does he call Sabastian a dog?!!
Well... i can understand if people call Waie a duck,
cause he has nearly all the qualities of a real duck.
He always talk a lot and most important feature of all,
he....................................................................looks like a duck!!!
But, why does Jeffery calls sabastian a dog?
hmm....i guess i will never know(and no one will know anyway)
But the best reason i can think of is.............
his "over-proffesional" mind is out of control.
To anyone who reads this, this is just a joke.
So don't take it too seriously^^


  1. I agree wit you about Jeffrey Mark Law Zhe Ping. He's a total shit. He talks bullshit almost all the time. He thinks he's a pro. But nothing good can come out of that bull shit mouth. Ask him to tape up his stinking mouth. Just beacuse he's musically talented, that doesn't mean he can irritate the shit out of everybody. Do tell him this little comment for him. He's a gay. Stupid shit. His little bro, Phillip the gay lord too, the same as his stupid fucking brother. Tell both of them to shut the fuck up and learn. Stop talking lie you're the teacher for us. Just becuase their learning in Avant Garde Music School, that doesn't mean he's all that good. Even my fren, Adnan, is far more talented than both of those shit. He even take two instrument at once, and he sat for exam. He's a good fren to talk with. Although he's kindda stupid and all that, he knows when to shut up!! Not like those two stupid brothers. Waie also, sometimes can be very weird. BUt he's so funny..hahah..

  2. To anonymous: Who r u? I think tat u r roland. Although i dunno who u r, but i quite agree with wat u said anyway...

  3. Well, i won't label myself as anonymous if i want to be known, rite? Thanks for agreeing wit me. I just couldn't stand it with Jeffrey!!

  4. Aiyo!!! U guys, why like that? Never mind, just be patient, mr. Anonymous. I hope my message will soothe your burning heart!! haha:P

  5. To anonymous: Now i think u r Wariq.........

    To Blogger unknown: Who the hell r u?

  6. i'M ADNAN, from Sjs Band lah....apalah....

  7. hey, thanc for following my blog...hahah...ur blog no chat box, so i write (rather TYPE) here...:)
